Safety & Maintenance

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Can I calibrate my BSL gas analyser myself?

It depends on the specific gas analyser you have and we can provide the necessary information if you email us the serial number of the analyser. The serial number will be in the format 'year/PA/number.' Please email the serial number to solutions and...

Can I return my panel for calibration or repair?

Yes, we offer servicing, calibration and refurbishment services for all of our products. We also provide rental panels that you can use to reduce downtime during these processes. For more information on how we can assist you, please contact us.

Which gases are the cleanest and which are the dirtiest?

Industrial gases are usually clean when they are produced. The cleanest gases are often the rarest and hardest to obtain. However, various processes are implemented to ensure their cleanliness and purity from the start. Flammable gases and gases that support...